


放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2017-09-08  浏览次数:32863
 行业  商业服务  职位  专业服务/咨询(财会/法律/人力资源等)
 招聘部门    招聘人数  3人
 工作地区  辽宁朝阳市  工作性质  全职
 性别要求  不限  婚姻要求  不限
 学历要求  本科  工作经验  不限
 年龄要求  不限年龄  待遇水平  2001-4000元/月
 更新日期  2025-02-21  有效期至  长期有效
3.接触职业经理人( CEO/CFO/CTO/GM/VP/Director…);
5.形成良好的商务意识。 工作职责
1. 根据顾问对所在行业,公司以及职位的分析,参与制定目标候选人的寻访方案;2. 进行相关侯选人资料的收集、分类、整理,对简历做初步筛选;
3. 通过各种渠道快速寻访候选人,进行初步面试和评估;
4. 提供候选人评价和推荐报告,向顾问推荐;
5. 沟通协调候选人与公司之间的面试安排,跟进进展并及时反馈; 职位要求
1. 对人有强烈的热情
2. 坚持,有信念,能够承受压力
3. 注重细节,具有较强的分析能力
4. 追求卓越的心态
5. 有销售和影响他人的愿望
6. 本科及以上学历
7. 优秀的口头和书面英语能力 

申请该职位        收藏该职位


InMind Group is dedicated to becoming a professional and revolutionary headhunting firm with global presence. The Shanghai-based firm has set up three offices, respectively in Beijing and Shenzhen, Suzhou, and is aiming to extend its influence across China and beyond. Its mission is to “improve recruiting efficiency by breaking the shackle of conventional models”. Having a profound knowledge of enterprises’ HR demands, InMind Group is capable of finding the best candidates suitable for different positions, thus ensuring a win-win result for both talents and enterprises.


Big Data Analytics Algorithms

l   Attach distinctive labels to candidate profiles for effective sourcing:

On the basis of candidates' coding management and the original database, InMind Group’s exclusive big data center is established through information collection and profile analysis, thereby constituting the foundation of the company’s grid services. This management approach conduces to a thorough evaluation of the candidates and effective sourcing of their profiles.

l   Standardized position analysis for precise matching:

The position requirements are divided into pieces of multi-dimensional data and analyzed in standardized ways, thereby underpinning the grid services. Such measure ensures a thorough analysis of the positions and, consequently, precise matching.


Five Core Strengths

l   Innovative Work Process

l   Efficient Database Management

l   High-end Recruiting System

l   Experienced Professional Consultants

l   Independent Evaluation Tools


Dedication is why we are professional

We break the outdated passive searching practice and provide industry-leading grid services --

l   Focus on industry segment: to provide the most up-to-date market information for efficient searching 

l   To know the candidates in depth: to provide thorough information of the candidates for precise evaluations

l   Analyze position requirements: to gain a profound knowledge of enterprises’ recruiting demands, thus ensuring each enterprise receives the most suitable recommendations.


You may entrust InMind Group with the task to:

l  Find the right candidates

l  Enhance employee stability

l  Shorten recruiting process

l  Improve interview efficiency



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