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法务实习生 Legal Intern

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2017-09-08  浏览次数:33182
 行业  交通|运输|物流|仓储  职位  交通/运输
 招聘部门    招聘人数  1人
 工作地区  上海  工作性质  全职
 性别要求  不限  婚姻要求  不限
 学历要求  不限  工作经验  不限
 年龄要求  不限年龄  待遇水平  1000-1000元/月
 更新日期  2025-03-14  有效期至  长期有效
岗位职责:General Responsibilities:
协助法务部日常工作事项Daily legal issue coordinate
各类法务合规项目支持  Legal & compliance  related project support
法务部文件管理支持   Legal documentation management support
Detailed Responsibilities:
协助部门法务、合规、保险、合同及其他相关事务的处理Support to legal, compliance, insurance, contract and other related daily issue
完成上级随机安排的任务Spot task assigned by the Superior
协助合同、法务信函及其他相关工作的准备Assist in preparing contracts, legal letters, other documents
协助合同、文件等的翻译工作Assist in translation of contracts and other legal documents
协助法律资源查明的初步工作Assist in initial legal research
法务部文件管理支持   Legal documentation management support
根据公司要求对法务文件进行管理存档Legal documentation archive as per company rules
协助文件对应的表格登记更新和维护Updates and maintenance of documentation list
其他和文件存档管理相关的工作Other tasks in relating to documentation archive
 任职要求:英语听说读写流利,熟练操作微软办公系统,货运代理行业相关知识Fluent English in reading, writing & speaking;Familiar with MS office;Forwarding process knowledge
相关专业本科及以上学历,法学专业优先Bachelor or above major in related, major in law is preferred
良好的沟通技能Good communication skill
以客户为中心并提供优质服务Good customer oriented with excellent service etiquette
合作精神以及开阔的业务见识Cooperative, and real team player with broad business insight
自我约束,良好的时间管理Self-disciplined and good time management

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DSV is a global supplier of transport and logistics services, the company is listed in the Copenhagen stock exchange market and included in the OMXC20 index as one of the 20 most actively traded shares. By its divisionalisation, DSV focuses on the refinement of the services and customer segments within its three divisions - DSV Road, DSV Air & Sea and DSV Solutions.
上海得斯威国际货运公司(下文“得斯威”)是全球交通物流服务供应商,在丹麦的哥本哈根证券交易所上市,其股票作为20支交易最活跃的成分股之一,被计入OMXC20指数。业务主要细分为路运, 海运空运以及解决方案三个领域。

DSV has offices in more than 80 countries all over the world and an international network of partners and agents, which makes DSV a truly global player offering services worldwide.  By our professional and advantageous overall solutions, the approx. 43,000 DSV employees recorded worldwide annual revenue of 10.1 billion USD for 2016, ranking among the top 5 international freight forwarders.
得斯威在全世界有超过80个国家拥有自己的公司和办事机构,全球员工超过43,000人。 通过我们与合作伙伴以及代理商合作为世界各国客户提供服务,巩固了得斯威作为国际性公司的地位。 凭借其专业和全面的服务,2016年的年营业额达到101亿美元, 位居世界货运行业前五名。

DSV China was established in May 2001, since opening in China rapid expansion has been experienced and today DSV employ +1000 dedicated team members in Central/North China.

DSV China is providing our clients with a full scope of transport solutions, combining global capability with local expertise which positions DSV perfectly to be the chosen professional logistics partner for our customers, here in China, as well as in the rest of the World.

If you want to know more information about DSV, welcome to visit our website www.dsv.com.

To achieve our long development goals and meet our growing business requirements in China, DSV is looking for you to join our team. Competitive remuneration and professional career development path will be offered to the highly qualified candidates.


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