


放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2017-09-26  浏览次数:33316
 行业  IT|通信|电子|互联网  职位  电子技术/半导体/集成电路
 招聘部门    招聘人数  50人
 工作地区  广东深圳市  工作性质  全职
 性别要求  不限  婚姻要求  不限
 学历要求  不限  工作经验  不限
 年龄要求  不限年龄  待遇水平  面议
 更新日期  2025-03-14  有效期至  长期有效
1. 设计,搭建,测试和改进电子系统,系统包含:电机驱动,电池管理,无线通信,EtherCAT通讯,测距、IMU、触觉等传感器2. 设计大电流/高速/无线印刷电路板,挑选芯片及原件(包括电线和连接线等小部件),监督制作过程、保证质量。根据需求设计合适方案并完成器件(电子元器件和连接器件)选型,能独立设计原理图和LAYOUT,有一定PCBA生产跟线经验3. 系统地分析和评估现有的电子或电气系统并对其进行改进4. 焊接电路板5. 与项目经理和CTO合作并提供技术支持 1. Design,build, test and improve electronic and electrical systems in ourmobile manipulators, including but not limited to: power/batterymanagement, wireless communication, EtherCAT based system, motors,high-performance motor driver, odometry/IMU/tactile/torque and othersensor signal process2. DesignPCB circuit with optimization towards largecurrent/high-speed/wireless, select chips and components andcomponents (including seemingly trivial components such as wires andconnectors), supervise manufacturing process and ensures productquality when needed.3. Systematicallyanalysis and evaluate performance of existing or proposedelectrical/electronic systems and improve them4. Solderboards5. Workwith the project manager and CTO to provide assistance and techsupport to achieve project goals

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1. 实现机器人学相关算法、集成相关软件,使机器人能够在工作环境中行动自如,并且可以自动抓取物品

2. 通过编程使机器人集群能够更快地思考和行动,包括点云处理,基于多线程/GPU的并行运算,指令集优化等等

3. 与项目负责人合作搭建机器人,并与研究科学家学习并运用最先进的机器人科技

4. 与项目负责人和CTO合作并提供技术支持

1. Implementing algorithms and write software to enable robots to understand what it saw, move around in environment, and manipulate objects fully autonomously.

2. Programming to make large number of robots think and act faster, Including cloud computing, parallel computing with multiple threads/GPU, optimize code with CPU instruction set;

3. Work with project manager to build robust product, with research scientists to realize cutting-edge robotic technology.

4. Work with project manager and CTO to provide assistance and tech support to achieve project goals

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