全英语工作环境 工作内容丰富 公司环境好 氛围佳
Job Duties: 1.Maintain computer and peripheral systems (desktops, laptops, mobile devices, VoIP phones, virtual desktops, printers) at Shanghai and remote offices for Daktronics’ employees and the manufacturing line.为上海总部及其他地区分公司的计算机设备、产线及外部设备(如移动设备、虚拟台式机、打印机等)提供维护;2.Provide first line troubleshooting for Daktronics employees and hands on support for extended IT team members for servers and switching by answering calls and resolving issues assigned via the internal ticket system.协助其他IT团队成员工作,通过电话及内部IT日志系统,在第一时间为公司员工提供及时的故障排查;3.Setup appropriate hardware devices while communicating to employees (our customers) pre/post-delivery and providing any additional support to make implementations a success.根据公司要求为员工或客户安装合适的硬件设备,为客户提供交货前后的技术支持;4.Troubleshoot issues and escalate as needed. 根据主管要求协助故障排除、软件升级等工作;5.Participate with IT Infrastructure to provide communication closet task work such as install racks, cable management, switches, routers, kvms and power peripherals. 协助通信设备维护及机房管理,如安装机架、电缆管理、交换机、路由器、KVMs和电力设备等;6.Coordinate installation, rework and configuration with outside vendors and internal groups for down time in the facility.协助外部供应商及同事及做好设备的安装、返修及故障排查工作;7.Propose solutions, prepare plans, effectively implement, document and support. Consistently complete quality work in a timely manner, inspects own work, and quickly learns new tasks.协助解决方案、改进建议及相关文档支持工作,及时高效地完成任务,自我监督、自我检查并能很快接受新任务;8.Work well independently, and effectively contribute to our team environment. Follow and improve our structure and procedures for change management, engineering and other Corporate and team disciplines.能够独立、高效地完成工作,关注公司总部及其他部门的政策更新与管理变革;9.Perform other duties as assigned or needed to meet customer and department expectations.完成安排的其他任务;10.Computer and IT peripheral purchase and IT assets management.IT设备的采购管理。 Requirements: 1.Bachelors or Masters in computer science and technology or related major, 2018 or later graduates;2.Having hardware knowledge and experience, include HP server, HP/Dell workstation, Cisco Switch/Router, etc is preferred;3.Having software knowledge and experience include, Windows XP/7 32bit/64bit, Office 2007, SAP business ONE, SQL2000, etc is preferred;4.Maintain strict confidentiality concerning aspects of employees and company information;5.Consistently complete quality work in a timely manner;6.Strong self-motivation;7.Detail oriented with good organization and communication skills;8.Eager and quick to learn;9.Good English skills;10.ITIL and related IT standards knowledge is preferred;11.MCSE and CCNA knowledge is preferred;12.Able to attend 3 days per week at least and last for 6 months. Location:上海市普陀区未来岛高新技术产业园(地铁11号线祁连山路站)