


放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2017-09-18  浏览次数:32871
 行业  商业服务  职位  专业服务/咨询(财会/法律/人力资源等)
 招聘部门    招聘人数  2人
 工作地区  广东广州市  工作性质  全职
 性别要求  不限  婚姻要求  不限
 学历要求  本科  工作经验  不限
 年龄要求  不限年龄  待遇水平  1000-1000元/月
 更新日期  2025-02-21  有效期至  长期有效
【职位要求】1、热爱市场调研行业;2、才思敏捷,工作高效,熟练掌握Office软件;3、实习时间在3个月以上;4、优先录用统计学专业、经济学、心理学、工商管理、社会学、新闻学、统计学、技术经济学、专业学生;5、策点只提供免费实习平台和实习餐补,不提供实习薪酬;6、实习优秀者,可录为策点正式员工;  详情请登录策点市场调研官方网站:www.ceidea.cn 

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策点是谁策点市场调研公司(www.ceidea.cn)成立于2001年,是一家致力于为不同行业客户提供一站式市场研究服务的机构,总部位于广州,在北京、香港、深圳、南京、沈阳、成都均设有分公司,在积极拓展国内调研业务的同时,策点也将调研业务拓展至海外,于2013年成立了策点海外事业部。策点调研是中国内地最具竞争力的跨行业市场研究公司,我们的客户将是具备良好前瞻性的企业或机构,我们协助其洞察中国大陆各个角落数百万人的真实思想,我们研究、探询并挑战思维模式。我们为客户评估潜在市场、解读市场趋势、把脉潜在消费者。我们是一家独立的专注于市场研究的企业,所 有的研究都植根于事实的土壤。核心研究策点调研专注于八大核心研究:房地产研究、满意度研究、政府公共服务研究、消费者研究、行业研究、市场进入研究、广告媒介研究以及神秘顾客研究。同时,策点调研亦可为客户个性化制定优质的研究服务;如:大数据研究、监测研究、商圈研究、 新产品 测试研究、知名度研究、薪酬研究、征信研究、职业教育研究等;研究团队策点调研拥有丰富从业经验的优秀研究人才,策点研究团队每年完成350份的研究项目,具备良好的跨行业、跨区域、跨专业的多元化视角和思维,历经10逾年的经验积累,策点拥有完备且动态创新的研究技术,能完美胜任不同行业的不同需求;执行网络经过逾十年的发展,策点调研的数据采集执行网络已经基本覆盖了中国全境。策点在中国大陆地区拥有4300余名访问员以及 223个执行团队,在海外拥有 4个合作公司,可对不同区域的数据采集精细执行。完善的布局保证公司的任何一个项目都可以迅速的执行,并让我们拥有更开阔的视野和为客户提供更优质服务的能力。企业价值策点调研致力于为客户提供一站式市场研究服务,并依托高质量的数据、提出前瞻性的见解和可落地的解决方案。企业愿景我们希望把策点调研发展为一个全球性品牌,并在中国内地市场研究专业领域中做到最好。企业定位让企业更了解市场,让政府更了解社会。

WHO AM IChina Ceidea market research co., LTD. (CCMR) was founded in 2001, it is a company dedicated to provide one-stop market research services for customers of different industries, headquartered in guangzhou, branch offices in Beijing, nanjing, shenyang, chengdu, actively expand domestic research business strategy also make business development overseas at the same time, overseas department was founded in 2013.CCMR market research in mainland China is the most competitive one of 10 big market research company, our customers will be a good prospective enterprise or institution, we help them insight into China hundreds of millions of people the real thought, we research, explore and challenge the thinking mode. We assess potential market for customers, market trends, the pulse potential consumers. We are an independent enterprise focus on market research, all studies are rooted in the soil of the facts.THE CORE RESEARCHAt the same time, CCMR can be personalized for high quality research service for the customer; Such as: big data research, monitoring research, business circle research, new product test study, awareness study, compensation research, credit research, vocational education study, etc.;CCMR focus on Eight core research: Real estate research, Satisfaction research, the government public service research, consumer research, industry research, market entry research, media research and mystery shopper study.RESEARCH TEAMCCMR has the rich experience of the talented, team completed 350 research projects each year, it has good professional perspective and thinking for cross-industry, cross-regional, and interdisciplinary , after more than 10 years of experience accumulation, CCMR has complete and dynamic innovation research techniques, perfect fit for the different needs of different industriesPERFORM NETWORKAfter more than 10 years of development, CCMR of data collection and perform network has been basically covered throughout China. CCMR in mainland China has more than 4300 interviewer and 223 executive team, has four cooperation companies in overseas, give the perfect job and fantastic executive work to any companies in all of CHINA and overseas.and let us have a broader field of vision and the ability to provide customers with more quality servicesENTERPRISE VALUECCMR is committed to providing customers with one-stop market research services, and rely on the high quality of the data, puts forward solutions to forward-looking ideas and can be executive.CORPORATE VISIONWe want to be a global brand in all of the world, and to be the most professional research company in CHINA.BUSINESS POSITIONLearn more about the market , Learn more about the society.

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