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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2017-09-18  浏览次数:33157
 行业  交通|运输|物流|仓储  职位  交通/运输
 招聘部门    招聘人数  1人
 工作地区  浙江宁波市  工作性质  全职
 性别要求  不限  婚姻要求  不限
 学历要求  大专  工作经验  不限
 年龄要求  不限年龄  待遇水平  1000-2000元/月
 更新日期  2025-03-14  有效期至  长期有效
Job Description:
-实习岗位以培养为正式员工为方向 -学习,进而负责整个业务操作流程的设计与操作工作;-与整个流程中的各方直接沟通和交流,协助并授权处理所发生的问题;-初学者从缮制单证,学习操作流程中各环节作业开始。

Expected Working Skills:-外贸、物流及英语类大专或以上学历,英文熟练,相当于四级或以上;
-熟练使用MS Office办公软件;
Our culture:
--我们致力于建造一个生命长久的团队,我们提倡团队精神;--我们理解,“激励、尊重、培养、关心”是员工的基本需求;--我们给每一个员工提供/创造与世界各种文化交流的机会;--我们实施高于社会规范的福利薪酬方案;--合理合法与安全是我们经营的基本原则; 如果你认同这种理念,喜欢国际物流平台,希望展示/提高英语应用能力,欢迎你的加盟!

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公司自2000年起就在美国F.M.C.(联邦海事委员会)成功注册为NVOCC并购买F.M.C. OTI-NVOCC Bond,且为公司承运的货物购买综合运输责任险。作为全球性货运组织Universal Freight Organisation (ISO 9001:2008)的青岛独家成员,公司立足于本土的丰富经验及遍布于112个国家的独家代理网络,致力于为客户打造专业、有效、可增值的运输方案。




Qingdao Jetwell Logistics Co., Ltd. is a China-based international logistics company, with A class international freight forwarder license by Ministry of Commerce of P.R.C. and NVOCC license by Ministry of Transport of P.R.C.. We located our headquarter in Qingdao City which is the leading sea port in north China, and have incorporated  our own branch company in Ningbo, Dalian and Tianjin, China.


Since 2000, we have been registering as NVOCC in F.M.C., and have been purchasing Integrated Transit Liability insurance for all the cargoes under our custody. As Qingdao exclusive representative within Universal Freight Organisation (ISO 9001:2008), a leading international network joined with 125 independent freight forwarders located in 112 countries on exclusive and high standard basis, we devote ourselves to offer customers professional, workable and value added logistics plan owe to rich local experience and worldwide exclusive networks.


We provide comprehensive transportation and logistics service to meet individual business needs of each customer. Our services include ocean, air and land transportation, customs clearance, warehousing, packaging, distribution and other value added logistics services.

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