
  • 游客
收藏 | 举报 2017-09-30 09:38   关注:33154   回答:1


已关闭 悬赏分:10
举报 2017-09-30 10:56
Grade ScoreDescription   5 10-9 EXCELLENT TRANSLATION   The translation faithfully reflects all the original passage with only 1 or 2 minor errors in vocabulary, syntax, punctuation or spelling. The translation is elegant (appropriate choice of words, a variety in sentence patterns).   4 8-7 GOOD TRANSLATION WITH FEW INACCURACIES   The translation reflects almost all the original passage with relatively few significant errors of vocabulary, syntax, spelling or punctuation. The translation is readable (generally clear, smooth and cohesive).   3 6-5 PASSABLE TRANSLATION WITH SOME INACCURACIES   The translation adequately reflects most of the original passage with occasional errors of vocabulary, syntax, spelling or punctuation. The translation is, for the most part, readable.   2 4-3 INADEQUATE TRANSLATION WITH FREQUENT INACCURACIES   The translation only reflects about half of the original passage with frequent errors of vocabulary, syntax, spelling or punctuation. The translation is, in some parts, unreadable.   1 2-1 POOR TRANSLATION   The translation reflects less than half of the original passage. Almost all sentences contain errors of vocabulary, syntax, spelling or punctuation. The translation is , for the most part, unreadable.
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