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中国的新版要等到明年,今年下半年的3次都是旧版 这是ET相关信息
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S官网上TOEFL的主页,里面有比较详细的信息美国的新TOEFL在8月分有试验性考试,实施具体日期还没有写在线可以做新TOEFL的PRACTICE TEST,自己看看就知道有什么变化了听力难度加大了,段子变的比较长也比较复杂,没有语法了,而且写作的考试方法也变了 这个是新TOEFL的资料,新TOEFL好象是在网上考的....The Next Generation TOEFL Test—TOEFL iBTTimelineThe new TOEFL test is a breakthrough in testing because it measures all four language skills, emphasizes the ability to communicate, and will be delivered via the Internet.In order to maintain test and score integrity and ensure a quality administration for test takers, ETS will introduce the new test in phases.September 2005: UNITED STATESThe new test will first be administered in the United States. The current computer-based test will end in mid September, and the Internet-based test will begin on September 24.October 2005: CANADA, FRANCE, GERMANY, AND ITALYThe last paper-based TOEFL test in these countries will be administered on October 15 and computer-based testing will end in mid-October. The new Internet-based test will begin on October 22.NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER 2005TOEFL iBT testing in Canada, France, Germany, Italy, and the United States.SCHEDULE FOR 2006By November 1, 2005, ETS will announce the 2006 launch schedule on this Web site, through advising offices, and in our publications.ETS will continue to administer the current computer-based and paper-based versions of the test until the new Internet-based test is implemented.这个是TOEFL陆续改革的时间表,自己看看吧 这个是新TOEFL的具体内容和相关信息中国具体什么时候改好象没有说
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