
  • 游客
收藏 | 举报 2017-09-25 15:41   关注:33027   回答:3

单证员考试 审核信用证 信用证到期日

待解决 悬赏分:10 - 离问题结束还有
合同日june 5,2011 time of shipment before AUG.10,2011 by L/C at 60days after sight ,reaching the seller before june 15,2011,and remiaining valid for negotiation in China for further 15 days after the effected shipment. date of iss... reaching the seller before june 15,2011,2011
by L/C at 60days after sight 合同日june 5,2011
time of shipment before AUG.10,and remiaining valid for negotiation in China for further 15
days after the effected shipment.
date of issue 110619
我想知道信用证到期日20110815怎么得出来的 展开