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收藏 | 举报 2017-09-25 15:26   关注:33273   回答:3


已解决 悬赏分:80 - 解决时间 2017-09-26 00:07
  • 游客
  支持(14)  |   反对(5)  |   举报 2017-09-25 16:24
国家司法考试:National BAR Examination (NBE);
  National Judicial Examination

  1. Beijing test rata ( Reporter Liu Haiyan ) National Judicial Examination to be held soon.
  北京考试报讯 ( 记者刘海燕 ) 国家司法考试即将举行.
  2. Yesterday afternoon, as the first difficult test the end of the bar exam.
  昨天下午, 被称为“全国第一难考”的司法考试结束.
  3. The part big four students hoped that participates in the judicature to take a test training.
  4. Yesterday to a two - day National Judicial Examination in 2009 opened a formal test.
  5. She passed National Bar Examination and joined Sail Jus law firm in as an attorney assistant.

举报 2017-09-25 16:35
National Judicial Examination
Recently, an important step has been taken in improving the quality of judges, lawyers and procurators when a Uniform National Judicial Examination was established
举报 2017-09-25 17:36
National Judicial Examination
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