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Web Application Development Intern招聘

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2017-09-08  浏览次数:33037
 行业  IT|通信|电子|互联网  职位  互联网/电子商务
 招聘部门    招聘人数  若干
 工作地区  江苏南京市  工作性质  全职
 性别要求  不限  婚姻要求  不限
 学历要求  不限  工作经验  不限
 年龄要求  不限年龄  待遇水平  面议
 更新日期  2025-03-12  有效期至  长期有效
SAPNIC Wants You – Innovative Software Engineer as InternsAs the second global innovation center of SAP,Nanjing Innovation Center is the new location SAP pledging a strategiclong-term commitment to setup a new driving force for future innovations inChina for China and for global. Nanjing Innovation Center with no doubt is animportant part of SAP innovation strategy in China, driving technologyinnovation via customer/partner innovations, building new solutions leveragingSAP state-of-art technologies as complements to SAP portfolio, leading theconcrete practices in both administrative users oriented analytics/apps and/orconsumer applications. As a key player in SAP innovation strategy and growthplan in China, we are attracting top talents in many key technology areas.Currently the team focuses on in-memory computing, big data processing, highperformance analytical computing, distributed and parallel computing, algorithmdevelopment, and extreme applications as well as joint research projects withleading universities in China.
Location: NanjingWorkSchedule: At least 3~4 days every week with duration of sixmonths or longerStartingtime: September of 2017For outstandingperformers, we will provide the opportunity to you to join in SAP family as afull-time employee.
AvailablePositions and Required Skills:1.       Web ApplicationDevelopment ·         Good communication and team work·         Good knowledge in some of thefollowing areas: Javascript, HTML5, SQL, Java,C++, databasesystems,  Node.js, etc.·         Good knowledge in algorithms and datastructure is a plus·         Good knowledge in cloud technologies is aplus·         Programming experience in data mining is aplus·         Understanding of web technologies (HTTP,Apache). Familiarity with Linux is preferred.·         Good oral and written Englishlanguage skills·         Self-motivated, creative andinitiative

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