Wenzhou-Kean University is a Chinese-American jointly established university with independent legal status, approved by the Ministry of Education of PRC. Wenzhou-Kean University has been dedicated to the principle of “providing students with different ways of development” by introducing and referencing advanced educational resources, together with critical missions and implementations from prestigious universities in theUS. The University strives for excellence in building an international university with world-class education, which is fundamentally student-oriented, innovatively inclusive, diversely developmental and characteristically unique. With comprehensive and sophisticated practice, the University set up its goals to merge Chinese and American pedagogical methods in practice from a global context, and to cultivate innovative, creative, and entrepreneurial internationalized working personnel with a global view as well as an awareness of international rules and conventions. Covering an area of 494 acres in land planning, the campus of Wenzhou-Kean University is located in a beautiful township called Li’ao in Wenzhou. Wenzhou Municipal People’s Government has earmarked 1.5 billion RMB for the first phase construction with international bidding. The style of Chinese layout and the element of American university are embodied in the campus buildings and facilities. The University strives for building a humanistic ecological intellectual and outreach campus with merged Chinese and American cultures, extensive interactions between teachers and students, and autonomous learning. For the moment, the first bidding section with 478,994 sq ft (44500m2) within the first phase of construction has been completed and put into regular running. A modernized a campus structure has been revealed along with the ongoing construction projects, which is intended with the completion by the end of 2016. 温州肯恩大学由国家教育部批准创办,是一所具有独立法人资格的中美合作大学。 温州肯恩大学秉承“为不同的学生找到不同的发展方向”,引进借鉴美国优质大学的办学资源、理念和模式,致力建成为一所以学生为本、创新包容、多元发展、特色鲜明的世界级教育水平的国际化大学。学校融合中美国际教育教学方法,培养具有全球视野,通晓国际规则和事务,具备创新、创造和开拓能力的国际化人才。 学校选址风景秀丽的著名侨乡温州市瓯海区丽岙街道,校园规划用地 3000亩,其中一期建设用地1059.4亩,建筑面积32.27万平方米。温州市人民政府首期拨付专项资金15亿元用于校园前期建设,实行国际招标,校园建筑体现“中式布局,西派建筑”的设计理念,努力营造中美文化交融、师生教学相长、学生自主成长的人文校园,打造生态化、智能化、开放式校园。目前,校园一期一标段4.45万平方米已建成投用,一个现代化的美丽校园已初具雏形,其余工程正陆续开工建设,计划于2016年基本完成一期主体工程建设。 |