万升集团是一家现代大型国际货运代理企业与现代物流企业,注册资金为12140万人民币,拥有国家批准的经营国际海运、空运货运代理、NVOCC的全部资质。 我们的投资母公司为香港嘉里物流联网(为香港上市公司,香港联交所股份代号636.HK) 旗下之全资附属公司。 万升集团的成员企业: 上海万升国际货运代理有限公司、上海万硕国际货运代理有限公司、上海恒宇国际集装箱储运服务中心有限公司。并在大连、天津、青岛、宁波、厦门、广州、深圳、香港、日本等口岸城市设有分公司。 公司产品 Company Products 工程项目物流 散杂/滚装船服务 内支线/沿海内贸业务 DDU/DDU/EXW物流方案 展会物流 进口拼箱/进口分拨 Engineering projects Logistics DDU/DDU/EXW TERM SVC BB/RORO Service Exhibition Logistics Feeder/Coastal Domestic Trade Business Import Consolidated Cargo/Distribution 主营业务 Main Business 整箱、拼箱至全球各基本港口及内陆门点的进出口海运服务 特种箱、SOC箱 、危险品、大票货特价申请服务 DDP、DDU、EX WORK服务,整体项目物流解决方案 mport & export (FCL & LCL) services
with access to worldwide basic pots and inland points. Application for special, SOC container, DG
and block cargoes. DDU, DDP, EX WORK services and solution
project logistics. 主要航线 Major Lane 核心航线:日本线 Core Route : Japanese Trade Lane 在大阪设有分公司 市场占有率10%~12% 与船公司签订长期稳定的优势运价 HDS快速准时交货服务 与各大船东密切合作 有固定的舱位保证 FERRY快船服务 优质的拼箱服务 Establishing branch in Osaka 10/20 percent market share Long-term and competitive price signed with
major liners High Delivery Service (HDS) Closely relationship with major liners Space guarantee commitment Ferry service High-quality consolidated cargo (LCL)
services 核心航线:东南亚线 Core Route : Southeast Trade Lane 与四十多家船东密切合作 拥有操作经验丰富的团队 船期密度大,准班率高航速快 有固定的舱位保证 拼箱航线设置齐全 运价优势明显 Closely cooperative relationship with more than
40 shipping lines Own professional and experienced teams at
your service Intensive shipping schedules and always
selecting regular and fast vessels Space guarantee commitment Fully furnished consolidated cargo (LCL) Competitive pricing 中东、印巴、澳洲航线 Middle East, India and Pakistan , Australia
Routes 与主营中印、红海、澳洲线的优质船公司保持着良好的合作关系 舱位大船期稳定,航速快、船期准 提供通过迪拜中转至中东各内陆港口服务 转运速度快,代理回馈信息快速准确 Good relationship with high-quality liner
operating Middle East, Red Sea and Australian services Ensuring booking space and arrange fast and
regular vessels Providing services to inland points through
Dubai ports Fast transshipment and quick response from
destination agent 欧洲贸易区航线 European Trade Lane 与二十多家船东密切合作 最新最快的市场信息 拼箱航线设置齐全 基本涵盖欧地贸易区船公司 运价优势、仓位保证 船期密度大、准班率高航速快 trong tie with more than 20 shipping lines The latest and fastest marketing
information Fully furnished consolidated cargo( LCL) Major liners operating European Trade Lane Competitive pricing and securing spaces Intensive shipping schedules and always
selecting regular and fast vessels 美洲贸易区航线 American Trade Lane 与主做LOCAL市场的船公司合作紧密且有较优势价格 有自己的美国线合约 拼箱LA和NYK一周两班 船期稳定,到港速度快 拥有操作经验丰富的团队 选择高价、高质的船公司 提供优势的IPI点转运价 Closely partnership with major liners and
have more advantage prices Own American contract rate Opening LA and NYK direct consol box on 2
sailing weekly Regular schedule and selecting fast vessels High skilled and qualified team at your
service Providing high-price and high-quality
shipping lines
Offering the most advantage IPI (Interior
Point Intermodal) rate
公司地址: 上海市大连路688号A座9F&11F (地铁4/12号线,大连路站1号出口,步行5分钟左右)