1. 实现机器人学相关算法、集成相关软件,使机器人能够在工作环境中行动自如,并且可以自动抓取物品 2. 通过编程使机器人集群能够更快地思考和行动,包括点云处理,基于多线程/GPU的并行运算,指令集优化等等 3. 与项目负责人合作搭建机器人,并与研究科学家学习并运用最先进的机器人科技 4. 与项目负责人和CTO合作并提供技术支持
Implementing algorithms and write software to enable robots to
understand what it saw, move around in environment, and manipulate
objects fully autonomously. 2.
Programming to make large number of robots think and act faster,
Including cloud computing, parallel computing with multiple
threads/GPU, optimize code with CPU instruction set; 3.
Work with project manager to build robust product, with research
scientists to realize cutting-edge robotic technology. 4.
Work with project manager and CTO to provide assistance and tech
support to achieve project goals