SYNNEX Corporation于1980年始成立于美国加州,是全球第三大IT产品分销商,于2003年在纽交所上市(NYSE:SNX)。财富500强、《福布斯》杂志白金级企业400强、美国硅谷15强企业之一。 SYNNEX在全球拥有超过25处分公司及办事处,分别分布于美国、中国、加拿大、墨西哥、英国、日本等国家。拥有功能强大的全球ERP系统和国际化的经营管理团队,在全球占有巨大的分销市场份额,全球拥有员工总数十万人。 SYNNEX集团先后斥巨资分别于1999年,2006年在北京、成都两地成立全资子公司,在中国拥有员工总数上万人。 2006年9月,美国SYNNEX在成都成立其在华全资子公司成都聚思力信息技术有限公司,注册资金350万美元。自此,成都聚思力信息技术有限公司成为其在亚太地区面向全球的业务支持中心、软件研发中心、商务中心、以及BPO/ITO业务中心,目前员工人数已达540人。
SYNNEX一贯秉持3V的企业文化,即Velocity、Value、Visibility的核心价值观和经营哲学。透过速度的掌握、价值的提供以及洞悉力的发挥,将为客户提升价值视为己任,致力成为业界领先的BPO/ITO服务提供商及企业级IT解决方案提供商。 轻松愉悦的工作氛围!灵活机动的管理方式!富有竞争力的薪酬体系!SYNNEX诚邀您的加入!To know more about SYNNEX, welcome to or SYNNEX(成都):成都市高新区天府大道 天府软件园A7栋3-4层 610041
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公司网站: 地 址:成都天府大道天府软件园A7--3楼(地铁1号线天府三街C2出口,118、115、102、84、501、504、545路车均可到达) 邮政编码:610041
Company profile SYNNEX is a global outsourcing service provider which provides a comprehensive range of value-added BPO and ITO service. SYNNEX BPO/ITO started as the business outsourcing subsidiary of SYNNEX Corporation in 2000.Now SYNNEX is one of Beijing TOP 10 ITO companies in 2005. SYNNEX is aligned with the industry’s top suppliers in IT systems, system components, peripherals, networking and software. The company has built a solid reputation as an outsourcing partner, providing customized, fully integrated BPO and ITO solution to its customers.
COOPERATION SOUGHT SYNNEX offer including BPO and ITO integrity and personal outsourcing service to customers. SYNNEX provide multi-languages and multi-purpose business outsourcing service to North-America, Japan and international market also internal market areas including IT、Insurance、Financial、Education、Government ect. Nowadays, SYNNEX has becoming famous BPO service providers among distributed business. SYNNEX offer ITO business to America and BPO business to both America and Canada. We hope attract some projects for Japan in the field of ITO and BPO.
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