众辉国际体育管理有限公司(简称“众辉体育”),成立于2004年8月,是以姚明的经纪管理团队——“姚之队”为底蕴的国际体育营销管理公司,是中国本土最具资源优势及管理实力的专业体育营销公司之一。主要从事运动员经纪、体育赛事及活动管理、体育教育培训、体育营销咨询等业务。 自公司成立以来,众辉体育凭借雄厚的体育资源、卓越的国际化视野以及丰富的市场管理经验,将国际体育管理的先进理念和操作方法运用到中国市场的实战中,渴望在推动中国体育产业蓬勃发展并逐步与国际接轨的事业中竭尽全力! 在运动员和运动队经纪领域,众辉体育是中国唯一具有品牌优势和长期规范运作经验的公司,先后成为姚明、丁俊晖、易建联、侯逸凡、张琳、王哲林、中国国际象棋队、上海东方篮球队等众多优秀的运动员和运动队的经纪代理机构。 在赛事运营方面,众辉体育发起并成功推广了中国大学生男子篮球超级联赛;积极参与到上海国际田径黄金联赛的各项运营管理中;更成功承办了“姚基金慈善之旅”的大型公益比赛及慈善晚宴、“丁俊晖-特鲁姆普顶尖挑战赛”、“搜狐网友VS丁俊晖全国挑战赛”、“潞安杯国际篮球赛”、“海峡杯篮球邀请赛”等广受关注的赛事活动;而这些赛事也成为了很多合作企业成功推广企业品牌、公益理念的有效平台。2013年,“NBA姚明学校”正式对外招生,众辉体育担当该学校的策划、运营、推广等全方位工作。 在体育公关方面,凭借丰富的公关实践经验、专业技能、近五百余体育、大众、财经媒体关系网络,不仅在运动员形象传播、赛事活动包装推广方面有所专长,并且参与到很多企业客户公关定制服务等工作中,提供行之有效的公关咨询和策略建议,成功运作了姚基金慈善之旅、姚明“明谢”发布会、NBA大篷车、NBA篮球国度、NBA中国赛等诸多公关项目。 在体育营销领域,众辉体育从体育营销顾问的角度出发,为企业提供系统的体育营销策略,选择合适的体育资源,策划有效的营销活动,监督完整的计划实施并且提供科学的分析报告。 经过了十余年的探索与发展,众辉体育始终致力于推动中国体育产业的市场化运作,并通过自身不断的学习和提升,逐渐成为规范化、专业化、国际化的体育管理和营销咨询公司。 体育让人生更精彩!众辉让体育更精彩! Founded in August 2004, Beijing Starz International Sports Management Co., Ltd ( hereafter referred to as “Starz Sports”), is a global sports marketing and management company based on agent services for Yao Ming or better known as Team Yao. Starz Sports specializes in Sports Events Management, Athlete Agent Services, Sports Team BD Services, Sports Market Consultancy, Sports Products Promotions and Agent Services etc., and is one of the leading professional sports marketing service providers with the best local Chinese resources and the strongest management capabilities. Since its inception, Starz Sports has been leveraging its strong resources, excellent global perspective and rich marketing experience and the start-of-the-art sports management concepts and techniques in China's local marketing practice and has been working to integrate China's booming sports industry with the rest of the world. In the area of agent services for athletes and sports teams, Starz Sports has established its unique market leadership, serving as the local agent for excellent sportsmen and sports teams from home and abroad, including Yao Ming, Steve Nash, Ding Junhui, Zhang Lin, Chinese National Badminton Team and Shanghai Oriental Basketball Team, to name just a few. In the area of sports events management, Starz Sports has initiated and successfully promoted he most popular Chinese University Basketball Super League (CUBS), has been a key service provider throughout the operations and management of Shanghai Golden Grand Prix, and has successfully hosted the Yao and Nash Charity Gala (including a charity game and a charity dinner). In the area of sports marketing, Starz Sports, as a professional sports marketing consultancy, has been providing clients with systematic marketing solutions by selecting suitable sports resources and planning effective marketing activities. In addition, we monitor the implementation of all marketing plans and provide scientific follow-up analytical reports. Through 10 years of growth and expansion, Starz Sports has established close ties with government authorities in charge of sports and education as well as top Chinese and international enterprises. Sports makes life better! Starz Sports makes sports better! 公司网站:www.starzsports.cn 招聘邮箱:hr@starzsports.cn